Three Words of Inspiration from Shamanic Preparation for Birth
You have all the wisdom, inspiration, trust, connection within your body, your bones, your blood, and your spirit. to birth your baby. ...
Equinox Reflections and Seed Gatherings 🍂
We've tipped into the dark half of the year fully now, the balance of equinox being yesterday. My children and I jumped into the dark...
Guests and your Pagan Ceremony...
Do you worry whether your guests will like your pagan ceremony?
Beautiful Birth of Pure Trust and Connection
Written by Debbie Sissman Raya’s birth Born on 07.07.22 at 11:54 at home weighing 3.75kg Before Raya was conceived she was prayed for and...
Intuitive Birth Story of Una and Puerh
Beautiful story of the guidance of a mothers intuition for her birth, her baby, her body, through the power of meditation and connection.
'Shamanic Preparation for Pregnancy' is now Available for Pre Order!
You can now Pre Order 'Shamanic Preparation for Pregnancy' 'to support your pregnancy! It is low cost at just £54 for the full deal un...
The Magic of Living the Sabbats
I felt to write this after the simplest, most humble yet possibly one of the most beautiful Summer Solstice sabbat. Sabbats are the...
Musings on Barefoot Walking for Birth Prep and Your Wellbeing.
"Walking is a man's best medicine." - Hippocrates 'Each time your bare foot steps into the grass, onto the earth it feels as if the...
Time and Space holding for Birth.
The heel stone marks the place of summer solstice. This photo was a few hours after sunrise in april but the sun is almost wrapped around...
Earth Day: Connection to Earth starts with Birth
My reflections on connection to our earth starting at birth.