Shamanic Practitioner
Shamanic Healing,
Sacred Drumming for Pregnancy and Birth,
Drum Making Workshops,
Inuitive Readings
My Shamanic Offerings
I offer Shamanic Healing, which can involve Soul Retrieval, Energy Clearing, Shamanic Drum Healing and Journey work. I also offer Shamanic Postnatal Healing, shamanic pregnancy and birth preparation. Drum making workshops.
I work intuitively, often using my drum as my tool and guide.
I found shamanic practise at age 22 when i came across Brian Bates and Susan Greenwoods course Shamanic Consciousness. I atteneded various workshops with Leo rutherford over the years, and sat in lodges, I became a shamanic practitioner in 2018 after joining Steven and Renata Ash's Sacred Drumming.
My wonderful teachers have all helped and supported me to really explore supporting women and babies shamanically.
Postnatal healing is a traditional ritual treatment for after birth, or following baby loss, drawing on healing techniques I have learned through Dr Rocio Alarcon, PhD Ethnobotany, Curandera from Ecuador. I use a traditional Rebozo scarf to wrap your hips, and I work around your hips using shamanic massage. I also combine drum healing to aid healing and help you to feel held during the session promoting self healing of your energy field.
Soul retrieval gently invites those fragmented parts lost in time back into your soul shamanically, enabling you to heal yourself. During treatments, all you need to do is lie down on the couch and relax. I feel very passionate this can help in many areas of life, including relationship break ups, and fear’s such as, fear of birth.
Drum journeying can be a part of guided soul retrieval, or can journey to connect with ancestors, or your higher self in the spaces in between life. I offer drum journeying commonly for birth preparation too, but it can be a nice way to find yourself and connect deeply with your intuition.
Shamanic Drum Healing is a sound healing, drawing on the earth’s heart beat and connecting to your own body rhythms. The drum is an intuitive tool I use to work with your aura through sound resonance, clearing your energy, promoting self healing and rebalancing balancing your energy field. I may also use a rattle, feather, bells, depending on the session.
Pregnancy and Birth Preparation
I offer drum journeying, soul retieval, energy rebalancing. Sacred drumming for birth.
i turly believe we are missing the sacredness and honouring the ceremony of birth in todays modern culture. I am very passionate in using all my skills and life learning to reclaim it to help women feel more connected, trusting, and empowered, and to help guide nd protect our babies.
You can book any of my sessions here by sending me an email to evabay@sacredmotherhoodjourneys.com or you can come to clinic in Brighton and book via the Anahata website https://anahatahealth.co.uk/therapies/shamanic-healing-soul-retrieval/
Drum Making
I guide double sided healing drum birthings, as design gifted from me teachers Steven and Renata Ash, and Wallace Black elk.
I can make you a drum, or guide you in a workshop to birth your own drum.