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Earth to Rebirth 

Image Gallery for all things Earth to Rebirth - Drum Making, Rattles, Workshops, Bones, and other things. 

Photos taken at drum making workshops, all using local Sussex deer skins, and prepared for drum material through using flint tools.  Guided by Sarah Brackpool and myself, Eva Greenslade.

Tools are made by Lithic expert Will Attard - you'll find him on Socials @thepointyenduk The Pointy End

The amazing photographer for most of these images is Katie, you'll find her on Socials as A Pocket of Forest. @apocketofforest 

Eva has been making drums for eight years, my teachers were Steven and Renata Ash, then every drum and skin ive worked with since!  You never stop learning with drum making! Eva met Sarah last year after asking the universe for local sources to make drums because the industry felt so wrong buying from abroad or stockists who didn't know the farmers.  Sarah got in touch last summer and the rest is history.  Sarah has been working as a forest school practitioner, deer skinner, farm worker, and can put her hand to so much!  If you fancy making a drum come and see us.  The skins are natural, untreated, straight from the land they lived on.  We often work on the land where the wild deer roam.  

Fancy making a drum, rattle, or buying one?

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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