Maga, Enchantress, Autumn Queen...Embracing The Gifts of Life.
Maiden, mother, crone, the triple goddess, three facets of the view of a woman's path through life, often through a pagan perspective....
Imbolc Reflections and Changes
Imbolc Blessings! As the cold dark days are here, mid winter really peaks, seeds are stirring under ground, under a blanket of snow,...
The Sacred Drum and Childbirth
This is a call out for expectant mothers wanting to feel the effects of the sacred drum during childbirth. I am a sacred drum healing...
'Closing The Bones' ; Reflections on a rediscovered much needed ritual in the western world.
'Closing the bones' is a western term, a title which i believe is taken from the Morrocan word for a healing postpartum healing ceremony...
'Birthing Parent's Blessing' Ceremony (Mother's Blessing, Blessingway)
What is a Mothers Blessing Ceremony? A mothers blessing or as it should be named in today's society ' birthing parent's' blessing...
What is a Doula?
Pop over to Baby todd and beyond to read a little blog i wrote called 'What is a Doula?'.  While you are there read many other articles...
13th Rite of The Womb
I had the honour of receiving the deep wisdom of The '13th Rite of the Womb' from Sanita Ellis, a doula sister and shamanic practitioner...
Book Review; Birth and Breastfeeding by Michel Odent.
Book Review By Eva Greenslade Birth and Breastfeeding. Rediscovering the needs of women during pregnancy and childbirth. By Michel Odent....
Western Perception of the Placenta, Lost and Remembered
''The placenta, a piece of waste after birth, an organ that filters blood and nourishes our babies, it has no value, people in our...
A Simple Beautiful Umbilical Cord Tie Ritual
Creating a tie for your baby provides a lovely opportunity for you to sit peacefully and relax focusing on your baby as well as creating...