Answering your Questions: What is Soul Retrieval?
What is Soul Retrieval?

Beautiful Birth of Pure Trust and Connection
Written by Debbie Sissman Raya’s birth Born on 07.07.22 at 11:54 at home weighing 3.75kg Before Raya was conceived she was prayed for and...

Intuitive Birth Story of Una and Puerh
Beautiful story of the guidance of a mothers intuition for her birth, her baby, her body, through the power of meditation and connection.

Birth by the Wheel of the Year. Some doula reflections.
With the Summer Solstice fast approaching, I am finding myself on call once more. Since stepping out onto the path of doula five years...

Healing in Ecuador
My soul yearned to stay in the beautiful paradise of Ecuador and learn more with Rocio, yet my heart needed to return to my family....

Trusting our Own Path
I often find myself wondering how on earth I got to where I am, a doula, shamanic practitioner in training, and ceremony facilitator... I...

A small glimpse of kaupapa Maori birth.
With an interest in spirituality and traditions around birth, which I believe is very much lacking, and is a missing piece in western...

Reflection on Trusting in the Goddess within your Path for Work and Life.
I suddenly felt inspired to write these reflections following deep reflections from recent weeks and through learning from clients I work...

Maga, Enchantress, Autumn Queen...Embracing The Gifts of Life.
Maiden, mother, crone, the triple goddess, three facets of the view of a woman's path through life, often through a pagan perspective....

Imbolc Reflections and Changes
Imbolc Blessings! As the cold dark days are here, mid winter really peaks, seeds are stirring under ground, under a blanket of snow,...