The Twittering of Handfastings is in the Air
As the wheel turns, our great mother begins to bloom and birth life, through spring then summer, its wedding time!!💜

So many couples choose Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, and believe it or not Samhain, to honour their union, to weave and bind their worlds together in front of friends, family and ancestors, and often spirits of place. So many people are choosing nature based unions.
Some couples choose to have a ceremony alone just honouring nature, with just the land, and their ancestors on the wind to hear. Some handfast with just their children as witness, or dogs.
Some people choose a ceremony just for themselves too, an honouring of their own spirit to honour their self empowerment or a stage in their life. I also know a lady who has held a handfasting with nature. We are all different.
I offer handfasting ceremonies, they are each unique, beautiful. They are often in nature, in sacred places, or in places meaningful to the couple.
A handfasting is a ceremony that ties you together. It is where the phrase 'to tie the knot' was coined.
A handfasting can be for life, or for a short time as an engagement, then a fuller ceremony with a stronger tie and exchange of rings, can be done at a later date.
A handfasting is a ceremony our ancestors would recognise, pre Christian, and still today is a legally binding wedding in Scotland.
Many people in the UK have a small registry office service for the legal bit, then have a handfasting seperately the same day or a few days later where they invite all their guests. You can also book a handfasting as part of the legal ceremony with a registrar in many places now too.
The cord itself is what makes the handfasting ritual in the ceremony.
The cord can represent many things; Lives woven together. Earth, air, fire, water. It can be created using colours and fabrics that are meaningful that to the couple.
A ceremony can also be created to untie the bond of a couple in seperation.
The appeal for many is that it isnt a legal ceremony, it can be set anywhere, it is unique, magical, adaptable to any belief, and word for word what the couple chooses. You can also do fun things like jump besoms for prosperity and luck (see photo below).
If you want to learn more I will look forward to hearing from you.
Beautiful blessings.